The federal government faces daily cyber attacks. It is challenging to anticipate what the next advanced threat will be and when it might happen. ASC products help identify security gaps by identifying assets with non-compliant security configurations. Information security issues - such as missing security baselines - are a constant challenge for organizations, as they not only put sensitive data at risk, but can also cost your company time, revenue, and resources. ASC scanner and remediation products can save organizations time and money while assisting with missing security baselines issues.

Our suite of products helps federal government with mandates and guidelines for cybersecurity products, services, and solutions. Our product and services can help organizations with the following:

  • Information Security Assessments: Conduct rapid, comprehensive assessments to accurately define your company's security posture
  • Penetration Testing: Determine organization's potential for exploitation through comprehensive penetration testing
  • Policy Assessment & Design: Evaluate your current policies and procedures to ensure programs are up-to-date and working properly
  • Data Breach Prevention: Take steps to safeguard against a data breach and expedite response should a data loss incident occur
  • HIPAA Self Risk Assessment: Stay in compliance with HIPAA, HITECH, and Meaningful Use core measures by identifying areas of risk and remedying them through practical guidance and best practice measures